EC-Council CCSE | Certified Cloud Security Engineer | Exam Insurance | Self-Pace Video Course (12 months) + CyberQ Lab (6 monts) + eCourseware (24 months) + Practice Test & Exam Voucher
Our course offers a unique Confidence Insurance program with one free retake, ensuring students can study and pursue their international certification with complete peace of mind.
Note: The 24/7 live support via chat group and answering questions or providing additional practical guidance through video (in addition to the theoretical lessons and practical instructions from the official ECCouncil instructor).
Certified Cloud Security Engineer | CCSE
Certified Cloud Security Engineer (CCSE) is a hands-on course designed and developed by cloud security professionals in association with subject matter experts across the globe. This course includes both vendor neutral and vendor specific cloud security concepts. Vendor neutral concepts include universally applicable general cloud security best practices, technology, frameworks, and principles that help individuals to strengthen their fundamentals. It helps professionals to develop and enhance their knowledge and skills in planning, configuring, implementing, and maintaining a secure cloud environment for their organizations, and validates their knowledge, skills, and abilities in protecting, detecting, and responding to threats in the cloud network infrastructure.